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Crafting is an important aspect of DAoC, as it is the crafters that create an economy that everything else is bound.

At Elysium, we want to have a strong economy that is driven by raw materials and suppliers.  This is why we have made design changes in how crafting works.

In classic DAoC crafting, materials are generally purchased from NPCs who have unlimited supplies and for a relatively cheap price (at least the lower level materials).  On Elysium, this is not the case. Materials need to be farmed or found throughout the world.


Raw materials

Raw materials can be found by farming mobs throughout the world. They can also be found in reward chests, for example if you slay a boss mob that is holding a chest, or kill the Lord at an enemy keep.

Mobs of certain caliber yield the most drops.  For example:

A large Groovewood mob would likely drop significantly more wood than an Ire sapling mob due to the size difference between the two.

A mob wearing plate armor or yielding a sword would likely to drop metal based materials, were as a Wild Boar would likely drop leather squares.

The level of the mob also affects which materials are dropped.



Salvaging is an important role which can be performed while away from crafting amenities, if your skill profression allows.  Players can consider selling the raw materials returned from salvaging on the market place.


Crafting Suits

For the players who want to maximize their crafting and salvaging potential, it is possible to create crafting armor suits through spell crafting.



Pouches can be found throughout the world or crafted by players. Pouches can be used to store materials found.